Children: these Masters of hypnosis
To be in the moon
Is this really a defect
hypnosis in the world of l education
Written work of fence
Children: these Masters of hypnosis
To be in the moon
Is this really a defect
hypnosis in the world of l education
Pierre-Alain Luthi
Montchoisi 3
1350 Sphere
024 441 05 10
Specialized teacher
Formation ESTSF 1995
Employer: Home Bérallaz 1053 Cugy
In Pascale,
Who by his presence, his wisdom, his love supports my blooming
and gives me the taste of living and d aimer
With Caroline,
Who explores with as well d étonnement and of fears the
imaginary world as j en am each time upset again
In Luc,
Jakayana Princess,
and another Fripouillon
Less imagined than Mary Poppins but which however m ont
makes jump to feet joined in the tables
Of my roots to hypnosis
Whereas the moon s éloignait of l horizon, the
glance of the child seemed to be lost in l infini and to
s enfuir reality, however its attention with the
distance always more clearly brought back it about this
difficult present.
Born from a land family, I followed my occupation of working
horticulturist during ten years with l entretien of
parks a little everywhere in the world while studying theology.
I have become teacher specialized at the end of the years
huitante and exerts this enthralling trade for fifteen years
including ten near the social problem childs. I animate also
an Internet site devoted to education.
To attend the children day after day in the simple moments of
the everyday life m a allowed to better include/understand
l être human and to m enrichir in contact with
these small men in becoming.
It is thanks to the conjunction between my passion for the
reading and collaboration with a psychotherapist jungienne
that I could discover all the importance of the worlds of l
inconscient, l intuition and l imaginaire.
And because I was likely to practise my first years of
education in a center antroposophic, I could concretely
approach the impact of the creativity and the artistic process
in the development of the personality.
It is thus on a fertile compost, that my discovery of hypnosis,
two years ago was sown.
I practise also for a long time and in a regular way the
techniques of the PNL (neurolinguistic Programming) and of l
analyse transactionelle.
There is thus approximately two years, j ai discovered
the world of hypnotic hypnosis through l excellent work
of Victor Simon[1 ]. Complete work and of easy reading which m
a allowed to familiarize me with an apparently new field for
me. Victor Simon refers at the end of the work to the Ling
foundation in Lausanne. I thus made contact and followed a
first course d autohypnose with Anne Spagnoli, woman
impassioned who ignited my enthusiasm. Then parallel to the
course, I looked further into this interest and my knowledge
by many readings, inter alia, the reading "to look after by l
hypnose" of Gerard Salem [ 2 ], and Eric Bonvin [ 3 ], allowed
me to discover the passion which animates these two
psychiatrists and l intérêt hypnotic hypnosis in the
medical field. That of "hypnosis-formation" of John Grinder
and Richard Bandler "[ 4], made me become aware of the obvious
bond between the PNL and the base of l intervention of
Milton Erickson. Indeed the PNL takes its source in its work.
He is the founder of the movement of the new hypnosis.
I discovered that hypnotic hypnosis is a tool clearly defined
in its uses and its practice with regard to psychiatry,
medicine, the therapy, but I remained on my hunger as regards
work with the children. C est whereas I discovered, with
much pleasure, l ouvrage of Joyce C Mills and Richard J
Crowley "therapeutic Metaphor for the enfants"[5 ]. Very great
interest of this work, which s adress with the
therapeutists for children, finally makes me foresee new tools
for l educator and his daily work.
By the Ling foundation still, I could follow the courses of
Shiatsu de Marlyse Schweitzer, I thus could improve my
techniques of massage and body contact with the children. With
my great astonishment I noted that the Shiatsu techniques are
very powerful inductors of hypnosis.
With all these exchanges, I better encircled l
importance of hypnosis in the field of l education near
the children and could try out it within the framework of my
professional practice.
The goal of these pages, is to make you share my discoveries.
I was pleased to foresee the diversity of the tools and to
understand that each one practises hypnosis without the
I wish to specify that the supervision was more than ever
essential in order to always call in question my step. Work
with hypnosis is attractive and one would quickly have made
lose oneself.
My presentation will thus take into account various tools,
resulting from l hypnose clinical or derived from the
PNL or Shiatsu. These three techniques allowing to d
obtenir results of the same order.
The recognition of the resources of the child is in the center
of any step. While basing oneself on these resources and by
controlling the technique one benefits the best from hypnosis.
Whereas the moon s éloignait always more, the child its
being in l ici seemed enraciner and maintaining Toujours
more conscious and yet slightly different, its glance fixed on
this horizon, its body seemed more receptive with what l
entourait. I even étais surprised, confused and yet
enthusiastic the door of l imaginaire opens in front of
me .. Did Mary Poppins really exist t elle
Could one thus really enter the tables while jumping there to
joined feet.
hypnosis is a natural phenomenon. L hypnose and hypnotic
techniques n ont for goal to support and d
utiliser this natural phenomenon. One will speak d
ailleurs for the hypnotic practice d amplification and
not of provocation. It is a behavior which l homme
division with the animals. It allows him a state of particular
When one rolls on l autoroute it happens that l on
s oublie, focused on a concern or a reflexion. As if one
put oneself in "autopilot". After one more or less long moment
one takes again conscience with the impression to have missed
and one realizes that l on led in an automatic way. This
phenomenon is a light hypnosis such as it is defined in l
hypnose ericksonienne.
This phenomenon represents resource that the child uses all
the time, which makes us say that he is dreamer, in the moon
For the children in great social distress like those which I
côtoie tous.les.jours, we say that it is locked up in its
bubble, that it s isole in its world. For we who work
with these children we thus notice major phenomena of hypnosis,
going d ailleurs until fearing autistic features
sometimes. The significant one for me was to realize that
these types of behaviors are not worrying. They raise d
une resource quite to the contrary that the child developed in
order to put himself in safety vis-a-vis the traumatisms
undergone before the placement in institution.
Luc is a child of åns, placed in institution with 6 years l
âge. He is dreamer, distracted, always absorptive by his
reflexions. One evening with the meal, it gesticule
exaggeratedly of the arms in all directions and it does not
seem to listen to our remarks. I question it on his behavior.
It does not answer. As I insist it ends up starting and to
answer me qu il is in a swimming pool.
The made observations of Luc the following weeks, shows me
that it s enfuit regularly in its imaginary world as
soon as it is not smelled well. It lived moments of crises so
much and cries at the house qu il learned how to use
hypnosis to s enfuir in its imaginary world and to be
protected. Aujourd hui this behavior n est more
adequate, but as of qu il feels stressed hop it jumps on
the side of imaginary and s adonne to its favorite
pleasure: hypnosis.
As soon as Cédric feels a frustration, even light, it launches
out in sets of engagements between two animals. It does not
hear any more that one speaks to him or that one wishes to
communicate with him. It s y finds well and seems s
enfermer in its world.
Erickson clarified the field much of l accompagnement
therapeutic while declaring that the symptom is a very
powerful resource of human psychism, certainly sometimes
inadequate but a resource. The state of hypnosis allows
changes intern, of new choices, a catch of retreat to revalue
lived situations. Does that avoid diaboliser these behaviors
by labelling them of autistic features, behaviors prepsychotic,
etc It thus demystified the state of hypnosis.
hypnosis is a state of detailed attention of focusing on a
virtual experiment of oneself (E Bonvin), a meeting of oneself
with oneself (G Salem) or simply a state of consciousness
modified according to the general movement of modern hypnosis.
At the time of the evocation of an event during a hypnosis,
the active zones of the brain are the perceptuelles zones such
as the visual, auditive and driving zones, the same zones as
during real experiments of life. On the other hand, at the
time of the evocation of a memory in ordinary situation it is
mainly the zone of the language which is active. One can thus
suppose that the brain of the person in hypnosis revives l
expérience in a real way and presents, which seems to confirm
the impressions or the convictions of the Masters of l
E Rossi, which worked a long time with Erickson speaks d
état about paradoxical day before in opposition to the
paradoxical sleep. Every 90 l être minutes human enters
in spontaneous hypnosis. During this spontaneous hypnosis the
curves of the cerebral waves take the particular frequency of
hypnosis, the layout of these curves being similar to the
layout of hypnotic hypnosis.
Magnetic resonance shows that the person remains in waking
state during the meetings d hypnose as in spontaneous
hypnosis, it is dissociation. As if part of us observed
another part to live us an experiment, as dissociated of
ourselves. The phenomena of major hypnosis obtained by the
tools of l hypnose can reveal of behavior of the
cataleptic type, uncontrolled movements of the body,
sleepwalking. One could then speak about daydream. There can
be an amnesia of the moments spent in hypnosis.
transeis a spread phenomenon, more or less major,
which allows l imaginaire d être more voluble. One
can observe states of transein the turnip dancers or the
jerwisch turners, the yogis or among sophrologists. One can
speak about collective transein this qu obtient a
dictator as Hitler which handles a crowd etc
It is astonishing to observe despite everything the people who
do not live spontaneously or little fright. Among those one
finds the children hyperactive, the children who cannot
slacken any more, the people who fear to let themselves go.
These people lived a traumatism or have major psychic
difficulties. They cannot move towards transeand remain
continuously in hyper vigilance. Experiments put obviousness
that the concentration is reinforced after l état fright,
as if our brain needed to take down to hang up again its
attention with surrounding reality again.
The process can be made in a completely alleviating way,
without qu il is never spoken about transeor hypnotic
The art of hypnosis is to obtain and use this phenomenon of
voluntary way. The goal of hypnotic work is a simply d
amplifier and d utiliser what already exists very
Presupposed of hypnosis ériksonienne
1 We have in us all the resources which we need to achieve our
goals in the existence: fundamental principle in PNL as in
Hypnosis ericksonienne, conscious or unconscious, these
resources are there at our disposal. And of course the
resource common to all the human beings: capacity to learn and
make new trainings.
2 Each person is individual and single: this is why there will
be never universal "receipt" in therapy ericksonienne but an
individual approach adapted to the person, which presupposes a
great flexibility.
3 We have unconscious autonomous and intelligent. It is an
immense reserve of wisdom and knowledge whose intentions are
positive: it is with this unconscious that we work and that we
call the "interior guide", "the large wise one" or "the major
4 resistance is information that something was not taken into
account in the unconscious operation of the person: all the
obstacles will be invaluable indications for the therapeutist
in order to accompany the person comfortably: no the fight but
an analysis unconscious and conscious of the direction of
5 We perform the best possible choices for us at a given time:
useless to feel guilty of what we did not made or in the past,
we react according to our level of evolution and comprehension.
Our unconscious makes the best choice according to all the
conscious and unconscious data.
6 There is a positive function with each behavior: first blow
of il can be not always obvious but it exists. The
unbearable child or violent one in class wants can be to show
that it is there and that it requires that one deals with him,
even if this behavior is not acceptable. In the same way the
migraine which holds us with the bed east can be the only
means as our unconscious with found to lead us to make a
7 the state of transeis a natural state which occurs
approximately every 90 minutes: that belonged to our balance.
8 therapeutic transeis an experiment during which the frames
of reference or the limiting practices are circumvented:
during hypnotic fright, one observes a confusion, a distortion
of time and space which will make it possible to make new and
more useful trainings.
9 Our brain does not make the difference between an imaginary
mental experiment and a real experiment: it is this "deficiency"
of our brain which will allow all interior repairs and which
makes that "all is possible".
10 hypnosis is a process of amplification: Indeed unconscious
A a power and a speed of extraordinary work, much higher than
the conscious one. We thus have an amplification of the
processes of training.
The imaginary world
Yes Mary Poppins existed and the door of the
tables s appelait l imagination, yes the dream of
the child was going to be able to be carried out and l
humanity s en would find transformed. The moon s
approchait then with great steps opening all its arm of fairy
of the night. the child finally could s envoler, to
accompany by l adulte which had learned how to fly.
L imagination is more significant than the knowledge,
Albert Einstein
For Eric Bonvin, the imagination term is more adequate than
that of unconscious.
The healing virtues of l imagination were already
implicitly highlighted at the XVIIIe century by the first
scientific commission of our modern history. Elected by the
king of France Louis XVI, this one had the role of ruling on
the reality of the animal magnetism whose state Franz Anton
Mesmer made to explain the phenomena of cure which occurred in
contact with the famous bucket qu il had developed.
After more than two years of work, the commission concludes
that the cures observed could not be allotted qu à l
imagination and not to this hypothetical animal magnetism
whose made Mesmer state. However, following this conclusion,
only l hypnotism, before its decline, retained this
potentiality of l imagination and made the lever of its
application of it. With its continuation, from the very start
of the XXe century, the psychology and the great models of the
care of l âme and l esprit reserved a generally
dubitative reception, if this n est frankly dépréciatif,
with the therapeutic possibilities of l imagination.[6
One of the proposals of the therapy by hypnotic transeis to
put the person in contact with her imagination in a freer and
more complete way. During the process of fright, l
individu centered on its own experiment, revalues it, the
recadre and discovers possibilities of change.
Mrs. Renee Delafontaine[7 ] described throughout her work the
interior advance of l intelligence at the child deep
handicapped person. It underlines the process of maturation by
assimilation and accommodation like l a describes
Piaget. Indeed the process of representation internal allows l
émergence of symbols, d objets, of stable
representations in the memory of the child which enable him to
apprehend the more stable world of way. It shows it, in the
example of the catch tadpole.
Small Cla, child seriously touched and autistic, started to
give birth to in its gribouillages, of the insulated features,
then circular forms, which, while being repeated, were
connected by chance d abord, then with a certain
intention And thus, made hatch a beginning of
"catch tadpole"

Un miracle of the life!.... On which one should not cease taking care.
Alas, Cla was placed in a school effective like
starting point and a priori of spectacular progress.
One came indeed, to show me his progress!... a splendid book
filled with drawings made under direction, flowers, houses,
and, inter alia, a character evolved/moved with clothing,
parts of the body, members in double feature et the
neck! All that qu on probably dictated to him, element
by element!
J admire not to disappoint its poor so proud mom of l
évolution of his/her daughter
And I ask small Cla to take shape a person, and looks at it
Cla adds circular forms indefinitely bases or it had remained
about it internally ones below the others
and this n est that the bottom of the which page l
It would have laid out d un roller of paper . C
est of the kilometers let us d embryons dead of which it
would have fallen through!
While believing well to make, one had dictated not the life to him
but a stereotypy!

This description of Renee Delafontaine highlights l
importance process d assimilation and d
accommodation. This power of l imagination is in the
center of the hypnotic practice.
the child has d être need accompanied in its process of
maturation. It enables him to answer waitings of the life. Its
interior life is crowned, its perception of the world too. We
need, in so much qu educator, knowledge being with l
écoute of this interior music, so d accompagner its
process creative. the child has in him the resources to answer
at the requests of the life. However let us not fall into l
angelism from Rousseau and remember that sometimes the
imaginary one can be an adversary, for example at the people
suffering from chronic depression.
Each one can discover in itself of the often unsuspected
resources which can appear only by l accueil attentive l
accompagnant. The respect whose Mrs. Delafontaine makes proof
vis-a-vis the people in difficulty is exemplary and it
supports l émergence of the process interns l
individu within a making safe framework.
In the process of fright, we are invited to hold a low
position and to let the person "knit" itself her future.
Does the child build the contents of transeand accompanying it
day before with the framework and the process C
est there d ailleurs, that l art appears l
intervenant, in delicacy and tact to be directed without
forcing, to allow without releasing.
Many d ouvrages and specialists is leaning on the
description of the inductive techniques of fright. I will not
make here the detail of it, but invites you to read l
excellent work of G Salem, and E Bonvin. 3
I quickly will describe in this chapter the stages of l
accompagnement with a hypnotic fright.
During transethe person is free of living her imaginary
experiment however the speaker must be vigilant and take care
that the person does not let herself overflow by imaginary too
flourishing. It must maintain its leadership as for the
processes (diagrams below), know the stages, and remember the
objectives laid down as a preliminary them
It is essential to be conscious of the time which passes and
the will of progress of the subject during any l
The objectives must be defined by a preliminary exchange which
makes it possible to give the framework and especially the
smell to l intervention. C est the person who must
initially be with light on the objectives qu elle
continues, however within the framework of l
intervention near the children, the objectives sometimes tacit,
are based on exchanges upstream that the child always does not
connect to l intervention as such.
Many d ouvrages and specialists is leaning on the
description of the inductive techniques of fright. I will not
make here the detail of it, but invites you to read l
excellent work of G Salem, and E Bonvin. 3
I quickly will describe in this chapter the stages of l
accompagnement with a hypnotic fright.
During transethe person is free of living her imaginary
experiment however the speaker must be vigilant and take care
that the person does not let herself overflow by imaginary too
flourishing. It must maintain its leadership as for the
processes (diagrams below), know the stages, and remember the
objectives laid down as a preliminary them
It is essential to be conscious of the time which passes and
the will of progress of the subject during any l
The objectives must be defined by a preliminary exchange which
makes it possible to give the framework and especially the
smell to l intervention. C est the person who must
initially be with light on the objectives qu elle
continues, however within the framework of l
intervention near the children, the objectives sometimes tacit,
are based on exchanges upstream that the child always does not
connect to l intervention as such.
L ajustement is the physical positioning of the speaker
compared to the subject. It will be postural, verbal and
verbal para. It s agit to put itself out of mirror with
the person while s accordant in the sitting position or
upright, the vocabulary, the rate/rhythm, the ton of voice etc
it is significant that l ajustement is done naturally
and almost in an unconscious way. The observer can locate this
spontaneous adjustment between the child and l
This aspect is really essential especially qu il gives
an excellent departure to any intervention that it is a
beginning of transeor simply an educational follow-up such qu
une discussion or an exchange with the child.
Induction is the stimulus which will allow about focusing the
attention on a target, the indispensable condition to enter a
It must enable him to enter a hypnotic state. The duration of
induction is very variable, of a few seconds at several
minutes, and even, several hours. The techniques of induction
used by the hypnotists are variable according to the times and
various currents' of thought. They exist rigid and
standardized techniques or on the contrary more flexible
techniques which adapt to the subject than it is a question of
hypnotizing. The prolonged fixing of a luminous point is a
famous technique which is spread during second half of the
XIXème century.
One of the essential conditions is the sense of security. The
fact that the person feels qu elle can be let go to a
new experiment under the glance d une nobody on whom it
can count is of primary importance.
L attitude of l intervenant n est not
empathic but attentive, to create a protective envelope around
the person.
Focusing is the concentration of the conscience on an element
of reality: the target. One speaks about focusing when the
attention of the subject is seized.

As soon as the speaker locates a starting of fixing of l
attention, it encourages and stimulates the concentration on
the target. Normally accompanying it the target chooses but it
can be the choice of the customer himself, l intervenant
doing nothing but amplify this target.
It can accompany in even painful reflexions, like parents in
difficulty, focus on a painful member or stimulate the
identification with a héro of comic strip.
Focusing induces a reduction of the field of conscience on a
limited space of reality, perception, or imagination. To focus
is to concentrate.
The children arrive at table over-excited... I can be annoyed,
with the risk which the excitation increases or to require of
them to remain quiet without that having the least effect. I
then try to focus them.
I propose a history to them, I tell them a captivating account.
I ask them to concentrate on the taste of the product.
I test their pulse to see at which rate/rhythm it beats.
I speak to them about their kinesthetic feelings, textures food in
the mouth, feeling of swallowing etc.
The child should be made attentive with another thing, to
enable him to concentrate on an aspect, which can be
pain-killer, but which directly will induce certain calms.
Good if that does not go, a good blow is shouted...... or one
sanctions...... [ 8 ]

Focusing is facilitated if the channel of privileged access of
the child is used. It can also be initiated by external
stimuli such as pendulum, spinning top, part of monaie which
turns etc.
Dissociation is a particular phenomenon which appears during
fright, It is d ailleurs the sign most clearly. One
could see that as a catch of distance from his experiment
present. Part of the individual, unconscious, leads the
experiment and another share, very conscious becomes the
observer of this evolution and this experiment. C est a
particular state where the person then makes l
expérience of her unconscious resources, her imaginary, her
capacity to living an experiment except framework.
For the person, the sense of security, the presence d
une nobody in whom it has confidence is essential. The speaker
will not inevitably seek with all to include/understand but to
maintain well focusing d attention of the child on his
One can support dissociation by a rhetoric prone body, such
·Can your imagination very well how react has such situation
·Your eyes know very well if there are necessary to remain
open to be vigilant and to protect you or if they can be
closed for t emmener with the country of the dreams.
·Your eyes while crying can express the feelings well that you
have in your c ur.
·Your c ur guard the memory of the people whom you love
and it can, if it it want to again make you meet them in a
dream or another situation.
L essentiel is to become to aware qu en transethe
person must be left in a space of freedom, of creativity and
that l intervenant encourages by an open-ended
vocabulary, vague, etc and by a making safe presence. Indeed
dissociation could distress and the fact of feeling a making
safe presence is very significant.
What the person experienced it is, which the change within the
virtual framework of transeis also significant qu une
real experiment. Aujourd hui is known that the brain
uses the same circuits to live a real experiment or to
simulate it in fright. That thus makes it possible to develop
real resources, feelings of confidence and of safety for
example, qu il will be able to employ thereafter in
concrete experiments. The feelings of self-confidence and
safety thus developed will be directly available and usable in
the life of tous.les.jours.
The attention of the speaker must be focused on the attention
that the person carries to her own experiment.
The metaphorisation is the stage where imaginary subject takes
over induction, c est to saying that l imagination
seizes d une experiment to transform it, to reorganize
it so that the child can virtually make the experiment of his
resources and his solutions.
C est a very powerful capacity of our brain to connect
an experiment, with another experiment as if all were real. As
if l imaginaire replaced reality.
J induis a transewith a suffering friend since several
years of recurring pains to a knee. Its attention is focused
on the pain. It then starts to visualize its pain like a
painting. It describes me this painting with much precision.
Painting which it will carry out thereafter, with the gouache.
The metaphorisation opens the door of the change. One will be
able to induce variations of impression or to try changes
lasting l expérience.
For that the speaker will use a vaguer speech and increasingly
broad, less precise metaphors leaving the place to imaginary
in order to letting the subject live the experiment which it
needs to better be, for an experiment intimates personal by
which accompanying it mixes the least possible. Terms such as
"experiment", "rate/rhythm", "feeling" etc will be then
adequate. The goal is to maintain l attention on the
virtual experiment.
The exchanges will reveal the share of spontaneousness of this
metaphorisation which transforms reality into images, ideas,
symbols. Transitional C est l espace of Winnicott,
l espace of plays which is essential at this time.
"potential space between the baby and the mother, the child
and the family, the individual and the company or the world
depends on the experiment which leads to confidence. One can
regard it as crowned for the individual in measurement or this
one made, in this space even, the experiment of the creative
life." 9
The metaphorisation is l outil employed by the children
to include/understand the world, the process d
assimilation of Piaget which allows the child to build the
Our brain does not make the difference between an imaginary
mental experiment and a real experiment: it is this "deficiency"
of our brain which will allow all interior repairs and which
makes that "all is possible
Here is the "secrecy": lived dissociated value d
expérience for the person has, on the same basis qu une
real experiment.
The realignment c est to replace l expérience of
the child in a new context. It is a simple and effective
technique which one regularly uses without in being inevitably
conscious. In fright, it makes it possible the brain to
completely revalue a situation.
To give direction to the suffering or a painful experiment
makes it possible to accept an unpleasant situation with more
Michel, 8 years is very afraid of the wolves garous which
rôdent in the forest around the institution. (namely that this
child looked at the Alien house at the three years age.) With
sleeping I often tell him and in the form of episode history
of Fripouillon who must face and to meet dreadful monsters who
howl in the night. Fripouillon becomes acquainted with the
Large Blue Wolf which becomes his/her friend and his adviser.
The enemy wolf gives again competences with Fripouillon to
defend himself by itself and can be seen like benevolent.
Michel completely will cease being worried by the wolves
garous, does not make more remarks on this subject. The phobia
disappeared and it goes with joy in wood of making huts.
This tool n est not new but at the time of a
transeinduced by metaphor a realignment is often positive the
child bus is opened more with a change d optic than in
the direct dialogue. The d argumenter place against the
convictions of the child, the realignment allows another point
of view and of allows the child to see differently.
One can recadrer an emotion, for example: when the child known
as j ai fear realignment: yes your useful
fear t est. C est a feeling which shows that you
think qu il is significant to protect you.
The brain recognizing these imaginary experiments like real,
we have the possibility of looking at the reality in a
different and new way. It is the moment of the revelation of
the ignored resources: emergences of feelings, discovered of
capacities of relaxation, endormissement etc. It is a more
solitary but constructive experiment which will make place at
the following stage where the speaker will take again a more
precise and more directing vocabulary inviting the person to
conclude his experiment.
The conclusion will make it possible to the person to have the
means of finding the resources discovered during l
expérience of fright. A child who will have discovered how to
slacken during a history will learn how to connect the feeling
of relaxation in the term or an element of l histoire
which it will re-use later to find only the sleep. Anchoring
is a technique resulting from the PNL the speaker places some
hypnotic suggestions post such as:
·When your body for of feels the need, you will be able to
find this state of relaxation which is appropriate you so well
It is a very significant aspect of the process which will
allow the use of the new resources revealed by transeeven in
the absence of the speaker.
The diagrams according to take into account the following
significant stages: focusing, dissociation, the
metaphorisation, the heuristic experiment of the change,
anchoring, the hypnotic suggestion, to leave it fright.
The process

Evolution of the speech of the speaker
In the children
L adulte had quickly to recognize that the children were
the exceptionally gifted ones of l envol, that they
arrived much more quickly than him at the moon which
accomodated them as if it awaited them. When finally l
adulte joined them on the lunar ground, it discovered that the
children knew some much more than it had suspected it on the
flight qu il believed to teach to them.
If transeis common to the adults and the children, one can
only recognize that the children are exceptionally gifted
hypnotic fright.
"do not thunder any more your children who baillent with the
crows with l école by leaving their glance and their s
évader spirit towards the sky. Do not mislead you there they
hear without listening, see without looking at, they are there
and elsewhere 1 .
Actually these small small children are reloading itself in
energy in order to reintegrate itself, a few minutes later in
the present and the daily newspaper. The children however live
transein a completely natural way one observed that the
children suffering from disorder of l attention, the
hyperactive ones are able with difficulty to be in fright.
What prevents them from concentrating. It is noted that that
which cannot slacken its n arrive attention step to
concentrate it either.
We others, educational, are not therapeutists, we work in the
field of the daily newspaper and the relation d aide. We
thus will lead transeas in a cabinet but will use this natural
and frequent phenomenon, will recognize it and will not
amplify it to accompany in the life by tous.les.jours.
The children having suffered much are often even more gifted
than the other children for fright. Having undergone
traumatisms lasting the early childhood, transeoften became a
significant resource to avoid the sufferings due to the
conflict situations or of frustration.
At the time of the conflicts between adults or with a
suffering adult (alcohol, drug-addiction, depression, is
delirious etc ). the child spontaneously learns how to
dissociate to avoid suffering. It is said that it returns in
its bubble, that it s évade, that he is dreamer.
Often at the time of the first days d un placement in
our institution one observes great number of spontaneous
transewhere the child seems not to be present, not to be
conscious of what occurs around him. One sometimes also
notices, the first days d un placement, a light mark of
Calino, 5 years, undergoes an emergency placement on our
premises. The police force withdraws it family residence and
hospitalizes the mom. While entering the house which it has
the opened large eyes and only speaks very little. All the
first week, it gives the impression to be detached from the
events and to plane on its cloud. After one year of
integration we will evoke quietly together, him and me, this
placement and this period. It will answer me that it does not
remember nothing.
In this context, the work of the observer formed with hypnotic
transemakes it possible to carry a positive glance on this
kind of behavior and not to speak more about handicap. It uses
this resource and develops the capacity of the child with
métaphoriser the difficult situations and to help it to
assimilate the tests. It can thus cause a drop in the level of
Often a child having undergone traumatisms can fear his
imaginary and be maintained in a state of excitation to avoid
entering in transeor to avoid endormissement. The disorders of
endormissement are frequent in the children of which we have
the load, this is why I tend to concentrate my work of
intervention related to these new discoveries in this
particular moment. It is there too that the work of the
teacher, who is to accompany the child, takes all his value.
And to meet its imaginary world in this manner makes it
possible to support it in the training of the domestication of
its fears.
The tools that j utilise in my work of relation d
aide near the children goes in this direction and fall under
the moments of the everyday life. My possibilities of action
are thus played around the table of the meal, during the
school duties or the plays and during the activities of
leisures or at the times of the couchers.
In each one of these moments there are many occasions d
appliquer the tools that j ai discovered in clinical
hypnosis or PNL. The step requires a culture of the symbols
and great myths which often nourish our dreams and our
L utilisation of certain tools seems simple and does not
require particular techniques, however the good application
requires a complete formation. It is necessary to be creative
in order to amplify the imaginary one of the child without
encumbering it.
Obviously the teacher must have a good culture of the myths
and symbols to support an effective metaphorisation. As in all
the branches of sciences of education, the supervision is
essential here. It is essential for any educational
intervention on the long term.
Work on l imaginaire of the children requires a sure
ethics. If to make dream can prove of a certain facility, to
make cauchemarder can be it as much.
L éthique of l intervention is a crucial aspect. A
teacher must himself d avoir considered for itself on
the major values and intentions which under tighten its action
what will enable him to put at light its relation with the
capacity and handling. The use of hypnotic transecannot be
entrusted to teachers who do not n auraient conscience
of this aspect and his importance. Thus as any educational act
l utilisation of transerequires the respect and l
attachement with essential values. The freedom of l
autre to make choices, the respect of the world of the child,
the values of his/her parents and the company in which it
L important is to understand that l autre does not
see the world such as we perceive it and that consequently the
solutions qu il can foresee are different from those
which we could imagine.
A man discovered one morning in his garden of the birds d
une unknown species, finding them splendid it wished to
nourish them for qu ils can oversteers and to develop in
its property. Not finding anything in the books about these
splendid birds, it went with door in door a photograph to the
hand to discover what these splendid birds ate. Nowhere it did
not find an answer, it thus returned bredouille to its
property. Sat on its terrace, looking at them, he says aloud,
"But what can thus eat these unknown birds well ". One d
eux turned to him and answered him "Of Corn Flakes to cinnamon!".
Surprised it offered to them of Corn Flakes to cinnamon and
made them a great joy. Thus it had run the city to no purpose,
it was enough to ask directly it to them.
The teacher is often like this man, disabled to find a
solution for the child whereas the answer is in the mouth of
the children themselves.
Useful techniques
In l apprentissage of l ajustement the concept of
proxemic distance is really very significant. It is essential
to especially find the good distance body with a child if it
undergoes traumatisms in his family medium. It is the proxemic
distance which can make it possible to the child to feel safe.
One is particularly attentive with this distance when one must
enter the room or that one meets it in the corridors. The
feeling d intrusion is amplified if the topic approached
is sensitive. It can go from 0 to 300 cm in general. Too much
large the report/ratio will be cold, too close the child will
be shown spontaneously aggressive.
When Louis is confronted with me, it is often aggressive and
violent one. It was deceived by his father. While being
attentive with him and his reactions, I carry out qu il
appreciate that I am has a sizeable distance from him, when I
want to speak d un difficulty to him. I place myself l
autre with dimensions of the part surroundings 3 measure for
him to speak, it s installe then and exchange with me
completely slackened. While being attentive with him and his
reactions I carried out that it appreciates that I am at a
sizeable distance from him when I want to speak to him.
It is significant to locate the preferential
sensory channel of the child, that can be done by listening to
the words qu il employs or the visual accesses qu
il use when it reflects.
We are all each day confronted with many existential
situations which comprise positive and negative aspects. Our
sensory perceptions, hearing, the sight, the touch and the
taste and the sense of smell open the doors on reality. They
are essential with the construction of a conscience of the
world which surrounds us.
The PNL determines three of these directions like component
determining of the mental image of our environment. Visual,
auditive and kinesthetic systems, this last being made up of
perceptions of contacts or felt body such as the tension, the
pains, the cold, heat etc.
To be exerted to me with the professional coffee tasting, I
know that it is clear that there are nonconscious blindnesses
with certain tastes or odors. Just as such blindnesses exist
in all the systems of perception.
Each individual thus perceives the world which surrounds it
according to even divergent different assets'. The PNL seeks
amongst other things with better including/understanding in
what this imperfect perception of reality can influence the
Obviously the individual privileges a type or another of
system, it is either visual or auditive or still kinesthetic.
With the PNL we have the means of evaluating with more
precision the type of privileged system than the individual
uses and thus how the person thus constitutes her chart of
reality how it interprets the world which surrounds it.
To be determined the PNL invites the teacher to be attentive
with the vocabulary and descriptions which a child can make by
describing a simple memory. That makes it possible to choose
the term well to be used in a history or an explanation, to
support the comprehension of its share while being put in

Visual orientation (40%).
The person will use preferably the words such as "I saw, it is
clear, at first sight. The predicates are: to see, look at,
show, hide, clarify, light, visualize, prospects, image,
luminous, clearly, shining, color, vagueness, blur, Net,
clearly, vaguely, to shine, observe, radiate, resemble, appear.
The ocular movements are in top or in the medium in the
vacuum. This person will describe the situations in terms of
what it will have seen. When it must remember a detail, it
will attempt to check through image reminded and revisited in
order to answer a question.
As a pedagogue, for this type of child I use diagrams,
drawings to explain the duties or a situation. I underline
color a text with reading. These children appreciate for much
video and are particularly gifted it to locate the visible
nonverbal signs. A long text is not useful for them, but a
good sketch is very advantageous for them.
Auditive orientation (30%).
The auditive people report a memory by using the words like "it
said, I made a false note, of course thank you" the predicates
are to hear, speak, say, listen, question, sound, dialogue,
agreement, dissensions, noise, rate/rhythm, tonality,
mélodieux, musical, harmonious, bruyamment, to laugh, to
express an opinion, to dialogue "the movements occulaires are
in the medium on the right or on the left or in bottom on the
These people will give an importance very particular to what
will have been known as or not known as. The auditive children
require a great attention on behalf of the people who speak to
them, they memorize texts easily but have more difficulties in
approach a diagram or a visual description. Their are
expensive: the verbal encouragements, engagements, the
objectives which are defined in clear terms.
Kinesthetic orientation (20%).
The speech of the kinesthetic person is articulated around the
terms as "I smelled myself so well, it made cold, I did not
feel pains, this guy I do not feel it, his voice am soft, make
a gesture." The predicates are to feel, touch, pressure, in
contact with, smooth, to approach, fall, release, seize,
released, concrete, firm, sensitive, solid, soft, hard,
cordial, cold. The ocular movements are in bottom on the
right. As far as possible I will support the body contacts
like the Shiatsu massages. I am very attentive with the
complaints on the physical level, the abdominal pains and the
headaches, which disturb them often quickly. It is a person
with whom it is difficult to explain a situation verbally.
This type of body perception is far from explicit in our
civilization, we tend to privilege the speech or the visual
contribution. The language of the body is often foreign for
us. The pedagogues anthroposophes have a better knowledge of
the language of the body. For example to describe letters,
they invite the children to model the form with their own
body, thus giving a kinesthetic life to abstract concepts.
Such people learn enormously by the physical experiment, the
movement, and displacement in space.
To determine the preferential channel of the child, I ask him
some questions and observes in which direction its glance
moves before answering. I analyze also the vocabulary employed.
Ocular displacement and a light fixity is a first step in
focusing. It is the sign of entry in fright.
Michele and Cécile (äns) are all excited per hour of sleeping.
I propose to them a voyage with Marry Poppins with the
imaginary country. They are all the two lying ones, the glance
turned downwards. They suck their inch. I introduced flowers
into the meadows. These flowers are lollipops of all the
colors. Two heroins of the history takes each one of it one
and suck quietly them. I thus support focusing by the
preferential channel of the young girls, supports it and
amplifies it.
To adopt the position low is to accept that we do not know
either. The teacher is often held in high position in order to
ensure the good management of the time and the space of all
the group in the institution. It is often guarantor of the
authority and the sense of security in the child. However it
is significant to know to leave this high position especially
when the child regularly does not seem to understand or that
it says that he does not know. The child must be able to seize
that we do not include/understand all, that we need
explanation. It is very significant in the process of the
transewhich it knows that it is him which holds the solution.
To support the continuation of l intervention, it is
significant to d obtenir l acquiescement of the
child for example while proposing to him to choose the
armchair or it will live best fright.
C est a form of handling, it is thus necessary to be
very vigilant for our motivations and our ethics. By obtaining
a first yes by the choice one leads the child to accept
gradually l idée qu il will enter in fright. To
obtain a consent on a small thing in general makes it possible
to d obtenir yes on actions larger. On this subject l
ouvrage of Robert Vincent joule [ 9 ] described with precision
the processes manipulators which starts with phenomena such as
the foot in the door. One can use a succession of questions of
which the probability of consent is quasi total.
·You want that I tell you a histoire oui
·You want to know the continuation
·Es you quite lying
·After will this history you be able to fall asleep
If the first put question had been the last it is more
probable than I will have obtained one not.
Conversational hypnosis is a tool developed by Erickson. Often
while leaving its cabinet the customers asked him when was
going to begin the meeting d hypnose. In fact it was
already finished.
By using the signs of focusing lasting an abstract discussion
and by inviting the people to be centered on their internal
experiments, or quite simply by helping them to focus on l
idée which drew their attention, transecan installation
lasting a simple discussion.
This technique makes it possible to lead a transewithout
particular framework.
With the children j utilise often this lasting tool for
simple discussions by observing the movement of the eyes its
threshold of concentration. It then saw a conversation which
enables him to slacken or to more easily find a solution with
a problem.
L observation of the ocular movements m aide also
to be seen how the child analyzes or reminds a situation.
Conversational transeis a tool adapted at the time of the meal
or when the child makes irruption with a concern, a problem or
one questionnement.
A child wishes a toy in a window or qu il sees on a
display. I then invite it to describe it in detail and to
imagine this qu il would make with this toy if it had it,
the metaphorisation on the toy allows the child distancier of
frustration without s en to realise and d évoluer
worms of the more pleasant feelings.
Another manner of making conversational hypnosis consists to
bring back the statements of an unknown person of the child
but who would have a place in his imaginary as a former
resident of the institution or a grandmother, to say to him
that it learned how to make such or such thing while using
such or such resource.
The fact of making say something to another person whom more d
impact leaves us on the child.
Philippe has a problem of arrangement of his
·Ah with the known fact j ai a child who s
appelait Matthieu and who had the same problem of arrangement
as you. And well each morning it arranged its room before the
lunch, it was very content bus after the lessons it could play.
Aujourd hui it makes a school d informatician
·My large mother always said that to arrange its room is a
difficult but quite useful spot to l avenir etc
The evening with laying down j aime to teach well with
the children the techniques which make it possible to control
the force: exercises of concentration, listens to beats of
sound c ur, followed by their rate of respiration. The
children d entraînement adore these small activities
which are in fact only small means of making l
auto-hypnosis. That enables them to better s endormir
and d être more slackened with the rising the morning.
Perhaps you know Jedy of the Star Wars. On our premises the
children are impassioned by the adventures of Sky Walker. For
them, this modern tale has much significance.
Indeed Luke the hero must pass by one period d
apprentissage to control the force. Fredy and Luc, 8 and 10
years, must lie down rather early, regularly they do not n
arrivent to s endormir and discuss long hours before
finding the sleep.
I propose d apprendre to them Jedy techniques to control
the force, they are enthusiastic. I explain qu il to
them is significant to count the beats of the c ur. This
qu ils makes with pleasure. They s endorment very
quickly and in the Fredy morning declares me "brilliant C
est tone trick j ai counted the beats of my c ur
all the night!"
They can learn qu it is then possible D to use this technique
at the time D a school test or when they must face a
A child who plays in his room only can really be a good sign.
C is L occasion of moments of spontaneous fright, nourished by
imaginary sometimes overflowing.
The traumatized children have need for s isoler of the
Community life to only play and rêvasser. C is a perfect
example d une spontaneous metaphorisation. Regularly it
is observed that these plays symbolic systems enable them to
solve their problems and their traumatisms. It is thus very
significant to only leave the child, not to disturb it, to let
it thus develop its access to its imaginary life without
encumbers. C is a spontaneous form D autohypnose very
favourable with the revelation of competences.
Victor attended L accident of his little brother on the road.
During more d une year it will play in its room by
imitating car accidents plus violent ones and creative the
ones that the others. Thus trying d assimiler an
extremely violent shock then lived qu il was 4 years old.
Fritz 8 years S insulates as of its arrival with L
institution. it will want to often be alone in its room to
play engagements between prehistoric animals. All was good for
him to imitate these engagements without end. Combat which
appeared in fact the terrible fights which opposed these
parents during years.
Luc, 10 years, spends the hours to create bases of engagements
to protect his nounours. He places in his bed the nounours
repaired by his father in the bed. Around it raises barricades
and a whole system of defense. To protect the nounours is a
manner sympathetic nerve of protecting well the small wounded
being which cures in him. L abus qu il had
undergone of his/her father put it in a difficult situation,
and the fact d apprendre to protect had a great
significance for him.
Perhaps cannot we always speak about hypnotic transeat the
time of the plays symbolic systems but it is clear that L one
is very ready, qu it S acts of the same phenomenon. What
imports especially c est to locate these moments when l
imaginaire the child is with l uvre to allow
him d assimiler and to progress towards its life d
The safe place is a memory in which the child smells itself
well. L induction is done on a situation qu il likes
particularly and qu it can be reminded quietly. I concentrate
on his attention, m hangs to the details which its memory gets
to him, it s ensuit a body relaxation.
J accompagne often by adding some powderings of the
style, your breathing slackens, it s approfondit, it
marks the sure and quiet rate/rhythm of your life. To
accompany while following the rate of respiration amplifies
the relaxation, I speak on l expire about the child.
N arrive Johanna 14 years step to be s endormir, I
propose a small imaginary meeting to him. As it is impassioned
d equitation, I propose to him to be reminded one moment
owl horse. Very quickly it closes the eyes, I speak to him
while following the rate/rhythm about sound expires and very
quickly I do not give any more details compared to l
expérience. I say simply
·you live an experiment increasingly more precise
·your breathing s approfondit whereas you slacken
It s endort quietly after ten minutes, I leave the room
without making quietly noise.
At the time of body massages or contacts, it is very useful to
be able to recognize fright. J ai be surprised of the
phenomena of transetaking place at the time of small massages
or physical contacts with the problem childs.
L ouvrage of J Bergès [ 10 ] presents a technique of
relaxation based on focusing by physical contacts. To touch
the arm of the child which closes the eyes by specifying the
places concerned to him. It states a whole panoply d
exercice of tensions relaxation of the musculature which
allows the child to slacken while concentrating on its
physical perceptions.
The shiatsu is a technique of massage that J employs regularly
and who is based on the meridian points of the body. Regular
and rythmées pressures based on breathing allow a good
relieving bus L spirit of L child remains focused on the
J installe Johann on a chair and begins a massage
shiatsu by making regular pressures on the meridian points of
the nape of the neck, then I ask him to concentrate on his
shoulder and the relaxation of this one. Johann closes the
eyes. With my great astonishment it s effondre on itself,
completely letting itself go in my arms. Its state of transeis
deep. I know that Johann is a child deceived physically by his
father during several years. He then saw with a particular
intensity such a work of relaxation. And especially a neutral
body contact with an adult of reference.
This kind of reaction, as well as the very keen demand of the
children for such massages, shows me not only l
importance physical contact but also that this step related to
a good knowledge of the phenomena of transemakes truly a
improvement of the quality of my work. The end of L exercise
enables us to check L state to be real well L child.
This d activity type is completely indicated to allow
the child to s endormir more peacefully. However, let us
remain vigilant bus with l heure of laying down the body
contact with the child owes d être practised with
understanding. The fact that the children whom we accomodate
suffer from which had disorders, for certain D between them,
with physical abuses undergone during the early childhood, the
body contact becomes more complicated then. One does not need
qu aucune ambiguity does not remain on such an act of
the educational share d un educational or d une.
The discovery of its body, of its breathing, to name the
various parts of the body of the child that l on
touches, allows a better integration of the body diagram. The
phenomena of transerelated to its exercises are recurring and
surprising, they are a door for an in-depth exchange with the
The technique of the three drawings is a technique developed
by Mills in its ouvrage5. It allows the child to seek
unconscious resources by a light fright.
L child makes a first drawing where one proposes to him to
represent his difficulty. The drawing can be figurative or
even very abstract when one asks him to draw a pain or an
One then asks him to redraw second once the problem but to
represent it this time in his solved form. Does C
be-with-statement qu it draw "like if " what is already
an opening to the imaginary process. It is astonishing amusing
even to see at which point that does not represent a major
difficulty for him.
In the third time, one proposes to him to carry out a third
drawing which will represent the resources. It will have to
draw this qu it S passed so that drawing 1 becomes drawing 2.
This stage it is common that the child blocks themselves and
says "I do not know" . I maintenances then the low
position and I answer that I do not know either. It is
necessary to let it seek, to concentrate. One can L help
either by leaving it quiet or in L accompanying but it is
necessary it to leave entirely free and L to encourage by
admitting its competences to find the answer. After a time J
could observe its eyes move and focus themselves with research
d une solution. C is whereas the third draft spouts out
like an outline of solution.
In our institution, we post the three drafts above the bed,
like symbol and d échanger means with the other teachers.
Michel is Victor fought violently. J interviens to
separate them and I decide in conference to take again this
situation which seems recurring with them. Victor is very
afraid of his Michel buddy who l a struck, it like is
paralysed and lets himself strike. I speak a little with
Victor for determining well the feeling which blocks it. I
then propose to him to draw his fear. It carries out the first
drawing then the second. And finally the third.
The third drawing represents the solution: alliances qu
il already installation with d autres buddies. Buddies
who promised to protect it. With astonishment it carries out
qu il had signed a contract D alliance with Michel and
qu it it thus not respected. I propose to him to question
Michel on this subject. Michel answers him qu il wants
to protect it well but that him Victor, must respect his
engagements and not to more attack smallest bus Michel finds
that very unjust!
Drawing 1. It describes the fear like a river in bottom of the
drawing. This representation is really enthralling, J likes
this manner of describing a feeling and there would be to say
certainly much of this drawing on the symbolic system plan

Drawing 2. the child represents the situation without this

Drawing 3 L child describes his solution, obtained after one
moment of transein front of the white sheet. It draws several
small buddies with whom it built alliances.

When in Michel it carries out qu il striking by anger,
here are its three drawings.
Drawing 1 it represents its anger. (I am surprised by his
representation of the anger which in general makes it
aggressive with respect to his/her buddies. It here would be
seen earlier sad).

Drawing 2: it would be happy

Drawing 3. It is described in its family joined together again.
It would be the solution for qu il passes from anger to

For L child the means of passing from drawing 1 to drawing 2
is its family. This answer which appears basic will oblige us
to reconsider the situation of this child since his point of
view of D child. Its anger nourishes its sadness vis-a-vis
separation D with its family, c est for him very
difficult to live and n en were not enough conscious we.
If the solution n est not inevitably realizable, on the
other hand the awakening of l équipe is significant in
this situation. L posting with l accord of the child of
its three drawings above its bed and c est a d
échange means with the other adults who come to wish him a
good night.
Doctor Winnicott[11 ] described with much clearness l
utilisation of the small play which makes it possible to
discover the imaginary world of the child: squiggles.
It is very simple to carry out. D access L educational plots a
free curve on a sheet and lets L child supplement it with his
own way to make a small representative drawing of it.
Then the child realizes another curve of its choice and L
educational supplements it. That is done several times in turn.
C est very amusing and strongly focusing for the child.
L access to l imaginaire is made in an extremely simple
and ludic way.
This technique is very useful with children having
difficulties for S of expressing in presence D an adult, to
enter in relation to the adults or suffering of disorders the
direct relation. Moreover this method allows spontaneously to
leave L educational in low position.

In L workshop of pottery, I work while placing L child alone
vis-a-vis the scheme of work. I give a minimum of technical
councils and lets L child interact with materials and his
The ground is a powerful catalyst in this d activity
type and is appropriate well to the kinesthetic children who
seldom have as many possibilities D of expressing their
emotions by their preferential channel. the child can thus
smell, touch, mix etc.
transes induit completely naturally dice that the child
free course with its imaginary in the creation of the small
objects leaves. The ground, universal and ancestral, makes it
possible L child to develop his imaginary, even in front of an
adult. It confirms it in its quality and in the quality of its
achievements and allows him to progress in its feeling D
recognized being to whole share.
Fred works freely with l atelier of pottery, dreaming
during long minutes by creating small plates in form of
mandala. He dreams only of deaths, casualties, d
accidents, following the courses of pottery. During the
following night, it makes a strong dream qu il comes to
tell me. During this dream, it is surrounded people deceased.
It makes a pottery, during its manufacture the pottery became
luminous. D une such luminosity qu elle lights the
corpses around him, the pottery takes the form d une
plate whirling of colors and the people around him are raised
and started again with living. This powerful dream archetypic
enables him to find taste with the life.
Since these nightmares disappeared. The work of the ground
allows according to l approche jungienne a resolution of
certain psychic problems at the child. The whirling form is
the major symbol of the mandala, symbol which sommeille in
psyché of each one of us. C is the circle of life.
Since this event, it arrived several times that I discover a
child realizing of the mandalas. I L noticed more particularly
in processes of mourning.
Again l imaginaire m avait played a turn.
Tales and metaphors
Powdering is a technique d érickson. It excelled in l
utilisation of the metaphors. It consists in mixing words or
sentences in the tales by changing the ton of the voice
slightly. These messages touch the child on an unconscious
level and have a subliminal effect. J introduce into the tale
of the elements of the reality lived by the child with which I
powder L history. The myths and the tales allow psyché of L
child to progress and to better react in the life of
tous.les.jours. I thus create with them tales before lying
down by mobilizing certain techniques which support transeand
the hypnotic process.
When L imaginary of the child get going, qu it starts to
imagine l histoire, its eyes are fixed in the vacuum,
and one sees it dreaming quietly. It enters then a light
dissociation between l instant present and virtual l
expérience of l histoire and the tale.
The small dwarf lies down quietly between two roots, it puts
back his head and slackens, the rate/rhythm of sound c
ur calms himself and l arbre l entoure carefully
its branches, it feels protected and s endort gently
A second significant technique and consists of l
utilisation of the context to support fright. It s agit
to refer, to the felt instantaneous ones and present of the
child and to mix them with the tale.
the child is lying in its bed, it makes grimaces unconsciously,
or scrapes the nose. The small dwarf scrapes the nose while
thinking so that the mushroom had learned to him (whereas the
child scrapes the nose spontaneously).
Another possibility is D to invite the child with a
participation in l histoire while requiring of him to
propose solutions with the héro in difficulty. It remembers
then with much precision of this moment when it seems itself
to have entered l histoire.
Small Fripouillon is removed by ogres who l ont locked
up in bags. I ask the child this qu il could make, its
proposal was to leave a knife its pocket and to cut fabric to
s enfuir. I continue l histoire by integrating the
solution of the little boy . And Fripouillon jumps by
ground is turned over and thanked L child for l avoir
They can mimer the behaviors of the hero, and are smelled then
completely in l histoire, they take for them all what
the characters about the hero say.
In this manner the messages pass much better than by a speech.
They are open, attentive and do not block themselves. Indeed l
émotion started by a too direct message causes the rejection,
and the toughening of the thought.
J starts also processes of creation of tale to two.
With the video camera, I carry out with a child of our center
a small film on the adventures of Jakayana the small princess.
We create this history together. We use the camera
reciprocally to film us in turn. I tell an end of l
histoire and it films me, then I m stop way impromptue and I
film it in my turn when it tells the continuation. L child
takes this activity very with c ur, it made drawings
which represent the Jakayana princess and her environment.
During these exercises the child has access to its imaginary
and I can follow the creative process by displacement of his
glance. She slackens gradually because the metaphorisation
opens its imaginary. She then spontaneously comes the morning
to speak to me about her dreams and her imaginations
Several years of continuation the report had been made by the
teachers that the children were particularly agitated and in
difficulty weeks of L Avent. Not to be able to leave to play
outside, to be made concern for the holidays of Christmas, all
this period of festivals weighs on the children. (As on the
adults D elsewhere).
So and on L impulse of our therapeutist jungienne there is
more than five years we propose each year a collective
A topic is given for all December. To date, we dreamed
together on l Afric, Japan, Thousand and One Nights, the
Indians and on the house of the Father Christmas
We build a particular decoration, caves, tents d indien,
country cottages in L entered of L institution, etc in direct
connection with the topic. In this decoration, the children
have to meet every evening before the supper. The lights are
extinct everywhere and we diffused a music related to the
topic. When all the children are brought together a teacher
tells a history or a puppet animates. L important is to
benefit from this activity of the evening to amplify the
phenomenon of transeby a well targeted history which makes it
possible to the children to be let go to their imaginary.
Moreover, one poses evening after evening the stages D a "enigma"
qu it will be necessary to solve or discover for Christmas.
The evening of Christmas the tale is longer then everyone
leaves in the forest to the meeting of the hero, the magic
character in bond with the topic. The hero of L history, the
puppet takes life and meets the children in the forest.
The magic side of these meetings took a strong direction for
the children. We quickly noted that L environment was less
heavy, less difficult. They seem to find in this collective
metaphor a little calms and of serenity for this charged
period, qu they can still S fill with wonder and discover "magic"
Here what m apparaît like a practical example of l
utilisation d une collective fright. To allow a group to
feel a certain fraternity, by visiting the imaginary world
together and by seizing these moments to live a common
At the end of my first transfer of course on L hypnosis I
wished by this work written to give a progress report on the
discovered tools directly applicable to our profession D
educational. J ai which been able to clarify my
intuitions and especially to connect in my practice of
tous.les.jours this new knowledge.
This formation allows me useful locations for better including/understanding
the world of L child and for better managing his access to L
imaginary. I have a tool for L to help to integrate his
experiments and of new solutions into the situations which
worry it.
Concretely that leads directly to a practical project in our
institution. This project is already in progress D development.
It consists in using the tales and the metaphors in our
educational approaches. We accomodate regularly since a month
of the speakers and initiators with the tales during our
conferences in order to work our tools D intervention. We are
convinced to support the process of impact strength thus of L
However, it is obvious that we cannot compensate for medical
work. A child who presents pathological signs or invading or
too frequent states of fright, must be followed by a
professional therapeutist.
I thank all the people who m ont guided and supported
during this new stage. I more particularly thank Eric Bonvin,
Gerard Salem, Anne Spagnoli and the collaborators of the Ling
Foundation, for the great quality of the courses and the
supervisions. I still make a point of thanking Pascale
Deppierraz for his assistance with the process d
écriture, working and for the profitable exchanges d
idées. Thank you still in Pierre and Jannick Viguet and my
colleagues for Bérallaz who made possible, thanks to their
opening d esprit, such an approach near the children:
Masters of fright.
Pierre-Alain Luthi, October 12, 2003
PS. I would put this text on the site that j
anime and j espère that l échange, not imaginary
but virtual, with the teachers and teachers will make it
possible to develop this technique in our professional
Notes and bibliography
[ 1 ] Simon Victor, Of the good use of l hypnose, Collar
Answer, Robert Laffont.
[ 2 ] Grinder John, Bandler Richard, Fright-Formations,
[ 3 ] Salem Gerard, Bonvin Eric, To look after by l
hypnose, Masson
[ 4 ] Grinder John, Bandler Richard, Intereditions
[ 5 ]. Mills Joyce, Crowley Richard therapeutic J Métaphore
for the children, Desclée de Brouwer.
[ 6 ] Bonvin Eric, the care by L imagination, Letter 24,
Fondation Ling
[ 7 ] Delafontaine Renee, When they broke their string,
Editions of the Paths
[ 8 ] This is L humour (note of L author for the hearts
[ 9 ] Joule Robert-Vincent, Beauvois Jean-Leon, the tender
freely assent, Paris, 1998
[ 10 ] Bergès Jean, Bounes Marika, therapeutic relieving at
the child, Masson
[ 11 ] Winnicott D. W. consultation therapeutic and the child,
Baruk - L hypnosis. PUF, Paris, 1972.
Malarewicz J.A. - Course D hypnosis clinical, studies
éricksoniennes, ESF, Paris, 1990.